Saturday, May 28, 2011

Shaking the Nonsense Out

"Love wants to reach out and manhandle us,

Break all our teacup talk of God...

The Beloved sometimes wants

To do us a great favor:

Hold us upside down

And shake all the nonsense out."

Hafiz (Tired of Speaking Sweetly)

I haven't posted anything in the past two months. It seems that sometimes all energy is absorbed by the process of merely surviving. This spring has without question been one of the most difficult periods of life that I can recall. Without going into too much detail I will just say that beyond going through an unexpected pregnancy in a new community and struggling through the normal ups and downs of deployment, I have also had to face some other very frightening situations that have shaken me to the core of my being. There have been moments when like Elijah, I wanted to say : "It is enough, Lord, take my life..." (I Kings 19:4)

As morbid as that sounds, the good news is that I am still here. I am not the same person that I was a year ago or even a few months ago. The little things that used to upset me don't seem to be even a blip on the radar anymore. I have had amazing help from friends, loved ones, and sometimes strangers at the right times, when I needed to know that I wasn't completely alone. But parts of the journey have been solitary, because I needed to face myself and God in a very real way.

I am not sharing any of this to be either macabre or overly dramatic. I find it encouraging that things that we think will be our undoing can actually have the power to remake us. The process is anything but enjoyable, but inner strength and resilience are built during those times in a way that cannot be replicated through any other means. The "nonsense" is indeed shaken out and we are given an ability to see more clearly and love more purely.

There is much to look forward to in the upcoming months. In about eight weeks, our daughter will be entering the world and I cannot wait to meet her. The boys will have their own challenges and triumphs as well as a little sister to love and help care for. And at some point this deployment will be over and Alan will be home. My hope is that the events of the past few months have better equipped me to be a loving parent, partner, and human being. In that case it has all been more than worth it.


  1. ME,
    I guess, like a pregnancy, this time brings many physical and emotional discomforts. At the end of the "gestation" there is still the challenges of labor and all the pain that comes with that. After which you have a joyous gift that only Love and God can bring. You are no longer the same person. You have changed and your life has also changed. Mary Ellen, know that prayers are being said for all know and unknown needs, as well as praises to God for every day you get closer to meeting Baby Jess. You will never be alone. Thank you for sharing... As always beautifully articulate writing... Much love and light to you my friend,

  2. Mary Ellen,
    Wow! It seems as if the universe heard the shout "Bring it on" and
    thought it was YOU calling. If moving a family to a new state isn't
    hard enough, I know that having two teenagers under one roof, a surprise
    pregnancy and a deployed husband is! Times like this call for a little
    Christopher Robin "You're braver than you believe, stronger than you
    seem and smarter than you think."

    Your writing is beautiful. So healing. A gift to all of us. Thank you!

    Close your eyes. Breathe in deep. You'll be surprised how many voices
    you'll hear whispering sweet encouragement into your ear. Thinking of
    you and sending healing, loving energy your way. Can't wait to see
    photos of your sweet baby!
    Love you much, Cherie

  3. I Love It!  It's real!  Sometimes I see people who are pretentious and I feel sorry for them.  Do they know it's okay and brings value to their life to be real?   Maybe they've never been "shaken" and are as real as they can be because of that.
    To come to a point of truly knowing what's important brings depth to our lives.  You have an understanding that I think will help you relate to others over and over again.  I truly believe that God only allows pain in our lives that will make us stronger, if we will let it.

  4. so beautiful Mary Ellen...I am praising God for bringing you through these times and praying for you and yours in the months to come. Your are truly NEVER alone, He is ALWAYS there, how great is that?  Deployment is hard and I can only imagine being pregnant, moving, etc....God certainly knew you could handle it and I imagine with such grace as well....Love you ME and I just love your writings...keep it up and stay as focused on Him as He is on you....

  5. Beautiful writing! I will definitely be visiting more often.
